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Message from Director

In the age of modern globalization, business development has turned into an event more dynamic and challenging. Performances achieved by Pelangi Indah Canindo, have been an inspiration for us to keep on improving and developing our company become the leading company.

Pelangi Indah Canindo will subsequently optimize its performance in compliance with the company vision and mission, one of which is to mainly put into priority the company's resource to the its maximum capability to be able to manufactures product that are up to the best quality and standard.

Of the 27 years of our business venture, the Company consistently applies a Good Corporate Governance that comprehends transparency, accountability, integrity, equality and also social responsibility towards the comunity and evironment. This is the business ethic that we have applied and will keep on sustaining for years to come.

Trust that has been bestowed upon us by shareholder, creditor, and supplier is considered both as a challenge and an opportunity for Pelangi Indah Canindo to develop and flourish futher.

About US

Pelangi is a leading manufacturer of metal packaging in Indonesia with the variety of product range from steel drum, LPG Tank, Pail Can, Food Can and General Can covering the industrian and the consumer market.

With the six manufacturing facilities across Java, Pelangi has managed to optimize its operation and market coverage.

Vision dan Mission

Pelangi Indah Canindo committed to be the best in the field of metal packaging, with a mission to consistently develop the service for the benefit of customers, shareholders, employees, suppliers and country.

We continue to optimize the improvement of our performance through the srategic steps that have been developed to make the most out of our resource, in manufacturing product in accordance with the best standard and quality.

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